Home Page

Hi! This website is a HAMSTER INFORMATION site.  Users with accounts can write comments and request topics to be written about through a comment.




15 Comments  to  Home Page

  1. ave says:

    Hi this is ave i finally got on it worked!

  2. ave says:

    Hi it’s ave again I have a new computer so I don’t have problems getting here any more! The new website looks great!

  3. admin says:

    Thank you! A new user just made an account… finally somebody who I don’t know in real life!


  5. admin says:

    Well, I have one hamster, but thanks.

  6. ave says:

    Hi admin I’m so glad I finally remembered to log on! I read the new page about Oreo. By the way what’s the thing about the Obama Oreo thing. You should put up some more pictures of Oreo because he’s super cute. Tell Oreo hello.

  7. ave says:

    I read somewhere that hamsters are color-blind. Is that really true.

  8. admin says:

    Thanks, Oreo and Frisky are really cute! I will put up more pictures of Oreo soon. I am not sure about the color-blind thing, but I do know that hamsters have extremely bad eyesight, so it seems likely. Where did you read that?

  9. ave says:

    I don’t remember where I read it but it’s cool if it’s true, maybe you could post some cool facts about hamsters on this website!

  10. admin says:

    Yes, I will do that sometime soon…hopefully. I have a lot of homework this weekend, so I might not be able to post cool facts about hamsters immediately. Thanks for the suggestion!

  11. admin says:

    Ave, if you publish a post on this web site with a picture, I can make it a “feature picture” and it will show up on the top of the page.

  12. ave says:

    How do you post with a picture?

  13. admin says:

    Come to the school library before school tomorrow and I’ll show you.

  14. ave says:

    I read the page of cool hamster facts. It was really interesting! Espesially the thing about controlling the gender of hamster babies, I wonder how that’s possible.

  15. admin says:

    I don’t know how that is possible. I had so much homework this weekend that it didn’t really feel like a break. Oh well, summer’s coming up soon anyway. By the way, remember to tell me to show you how to post pictures at school!

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